Friday, April 11, 2014

ASSIGNMENT 2 - Poster and Powerpoint


  1. Create a POSTER you can use for teaching the class you are assigned to.
  2. Create a POWERPOINT which you can use in your teaching - it should have a minimum of 6 slides, include graphics and at least 1 animation and have an easy to read font.


This is now the 12 May (after your Prac teaching)

  • You can submit work that used during your Prac or make a new Poster and Powerpoint.
  • Please don't print out the Poster or me - I only need to see a DIGITAL version of it.
  • Submit ONLY to as I will not accept assignments on my home address.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Make a Powerpoint for teaching


A Powerpoint should be clear and easy to read. Distracting fonts and backgrounds are annoying and stop the learner from concentrating on the content, which is what it is all about.
You should never READ from a Powerpoint – you should SPEAK about the points on the slides.
Making the points on the slide appear one at a time (animation) is an effective way to keep learners engaged
Transitions and animations can add interest, but if they are too wild or wacky, learners spend most of their time thinking about what is coming next, and not listening to the important information you are giving them.
1. PLAN what you want to say
           Make a Storyboard that will enable you to plan carefully

2. OPEN the Powerpoint programme – it is part of the MS Office suite
      3. LAYOUT
          When you open a NEW slideshow:
  • The Opening slide will always be a TITLE slide
  •  Subsequent slides are always TITLE and CONTENT slides
  •  You can change the LAYOUT of the slide by clicking on the LAYOUT button


      You insert a new slide from the HOME menu in Office 2010 and 2013, or  
    from the INSERT menu in older versions.

You can create your new slide from scratch, but you might like to add a slide you have already saved somewhere else – part of another lesson, for example. Or you may wish to duplicate a slide you have already put in – especially useful in Foundation Phase for repetition.

This tab allows you to change the theme and background of your slide. If you wish to use your own background on all the slides, select a background or even a picture.
In the VIEW menu, you can use SLIDE MASTER view to add the picture to all the slides.
I would suggest that you lighten the picture so that it doesn’t overpower the text.


This tab has all the same options as the other OFFICE applications. 
In Powerpoint you do not need to go to the Menu - you can insert different objects from within the slide
CALL OUTS are really useful. If you don’t like the colour that the programme gives you, right click and FORMAT the shape – this allows you to change the fill and the line colour


Another useful tool is ARROWS – again, right click and FORMAT SHAPE to make them thicker and change the colour. You can also ROTATE them so you can use them to point to your headings or diagrams
See the Blog Post on POSTERS about INSERTING PICTURES from the INTERNET
           SMART ART allows you to put a lot of information
           in a graphic format.    
        You can choose a Smart art template and then customise it.

  • Add your own text
  • Change the colours
  • Add new elements 

TRANSITIONS are the way you move from one slide to another. This is most useful if you have the show running on its own. If you are moving from one slide to another by clicking (best for teaching) this can be a bit of a non-event.
ANIMATIONS allow you to control the way text and pictures appear on a slide.
Watch this VIDEO on Animations
Adding music and video to a slide show is always interesting and adds a different dimension to the presentation.


Add this from the INSERT menu – you can add any music that is in digital format. It will show as a little speaker that you can click on when you get to that slide.

To make the music play on more than one slide, once you have inserted the music, click on the ICON and open the PLAYBACK tab. In the AUDIO OPTIONS group, look under AUDIO TOOLS. This will allow you to decide which slides you want it to play on, whether you want it to start automatically and how long it should play

On the NEW SLIDE, you can click on the VIDEO icon, or you can use the INSERT menu. The video will be embedded into the slide show, but you will need to click on the controls to start it playing.

NB: If you are going to play the audio or video on a machine other than your own, or if you are planning to share it (like when you send the Powerpoint to me) you must EMBED the video if you are using any version earlier than Office 2010.
If you do not embed the file, the person looking at it on another computer will not be able to access it.
              Click on HELP to check how to embed video                                                                   in your version of Office
If you want the slide show to run on its own, you will need to set the TIMINGS for each slide on the SLIDE SHOW menu.
Play around with it until you are happy with what you see.

Use Microsoft Office tools to make a poster

Before you start, read these two short articles on using posters in teaching:

MS Word, MS Publisher and MS Powerpoint can be used for creating teaching tools.

Elements of a Poster


Text - brief and to the point

Images - pictures, maps, graphs, etc

Use clear images, usually using one theme or type of picture.
Be careful of pictures from Northern Hemisphere countries as they often portray images that are not appropriate for Africa

If you are teaching rules, crossing out a picture or word can be very effective

Processes –arrows or pointers
Careful use of colour

DESIGN your poster
Decide if you want portrait or landscape

Plan content
  • Use essential headings
  • Use only key words

Plan layout
  • Not too crowded
  • Leave enough white space
  • Position pictures for maximum impact

Plan any other graphic elements
  • Arrows, cross out a picture
USE your poster for teaching

Write down the questions that will enable your learners to understand the topic

  • Literal questions
  • Inferential questions
  • Interpretive questions

Decide if you want to display the whole poster at once 
  • cover sections with blank paper and move when you are ready to reveal them

Use the poster to make the points you want to make
  • Ask the questions and indicate the appropriate part of the poster
  • If there is a process show how the arrows lead you through the process

Ask questions at the end to check understanding

PRINT your poster

Printing with conventional ink
Postnet prints up to A1 size posters
  • Costs vary according to the amount of colour on the poster but are about R60 – R100 for A1, and R30 – R50 for A2
  • A coloured background makes the ink smudge, so they will probably refuse to do anything that is too colour dense
  • Postnet charges you to use their computers to load your file for printing

Printing as a photograph
  • This is done with laser ink and is permanent.
  • This can be done at many photo printing stores – Foto First and Photo Africa at the Mall do them
  • The poster MUST be saved in the size you want to print it, so use Powerpoint and select the size FIRST – A1 or A2
  • It takes about 3 hours to print and costs up to R300



Use WORD to make a poster

MS Word is basically a WORD PROCESSING programme
When inserting objects other than text, you have to“tell” the programme not to treat it like text
Click on the object – a DRAWING TOOLS menu will open


• Choose THROUGH
Now you can move the object anywhere you want it

Most of the tools you will need are found on the INSERT menu
Word Art

                                    Word Art gives a bold heading
When you select the Word Art icon a variety of different options will open
The options in Office 2010 are much plainer than in older versions.
Select an option and then type your text over the “Your text here” words
Resize and move to where you want it

Text Boxes

These are very useful if you want text in a particular place
Draw the toolbar where you want it, and write in it
You can then format the text the way you want it to look

Lines and Basic Shapes

    Shapes do not allow you to write in them, but you can insert a text box into them.
    Callouts do allow you to write inside them. Drag to the shape and size you want and start writing.
You can format a shape to make it a different colour, make it transparent, change the thickness of the lines, etc.
Arrows can also be formatted.

Inserting Pictures
  • Clip Art is generally very limited and unsatisfactory.
  • It is more useful to go to the internet and search for a picture or Clip Art you really want to use, or to use one of your own photos.

Finding a picture on the Internet
Google Images is a useful site to search for pictures.

You can also look on or for pictures that are not copyrighted.

  • Type in the image you are looking for
  • Browse until you find a picture you like.
  • Click and open it
  • This is to allow you to resize it without losing picture quality

Making a picture work in a Word Doc

Either COPY the picture and PASTE itor SAVE PICTURE in My Pictures or a folder you have created.

If you save it, you can INSERT it into the document

  • The programme will insert it wherever there is a space and it may take up the whole page.
  • Moving the picture – Use text wrapping – through
  • Resize the picture to whatever size you want it and move it to where you want it

Use POWERPOINT to make a poster


  • You can use it to TEACH eg to Introduce a lesson
  • You can get learners to use it to SHOW what they have learnt

However, you can also use it to create a POSTER


Powerpoint differs from Word in a number of ways

  • it is Graphic based
  • you can insert a variety of objects
  • objects stay where you place them
  • you can save it in different formats like JPEG

Creating a Poster in Powerpoint

Powerpoint is a useful tool for making a Poster

  • It allows you to PLACE OBJECTS where you want them
  • It can be saved in multiple FORMATS eg Powerpoint AND JPEG
  • It can be created in different SIZES - this is important when you want to print the poster

1.  PLAN your Poster

2.  SELECT your page size and orientation before you start
This is important if you are planning to have this laser printed

Go to the Design  menu and select  Page setup to select the eventual size
The Orientation tab will allow you to decide if you want to make your poster PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE

3. INSERT the different elements

Use the Insert menu to add the different elements and move them where you want them

Word Art for heading

Text Boxes for Information



Backgrounds and fills


3. SAVE your poster

Save it as a Powerpoint -  This allows you to edit it later

Save as a JPEG -  This is a final version and will not allow you to make any changes.  It is in effect a photograph of your poster, ready for printing